Tuesday, 21 February 2017

                                                Volume 2: ACCRA GHANA

Image result for accra ghanaAccra is the capital of Ghana. Accra has been the capital since 1877 before and after the British colonial masters left. Many people believe that Accra is the largest city in Ghana but some debate on it claiming that Kumasi is the largest. With estimated population of about 2.27 million  people living in the urban of area Accra, it has been said that there are more people in the daytime than the night hours. Accra has a lot of ethnic groups and different languages but the official language is English.

                                    SIGNIFICANT SIGHTS IN ACCRA


                                     NATIONAL MUSEUM ACCRA
Image result for National Museum of Ghana

      The National Museum of Ghana is a museum owned and controlled by the government of Ghana. The existence of this museum started since the 5th of March 1957 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II as the Queen of Ghana in the colonial era although it was the eve of Ghana's independence.
      There are three collection in the museum; the archaeology, ethnography and finally, art. Seminars and symposia are held  lecturing people on the cultural background of Ghana and the antediluvian  Africa.
                                                                                    Contact details:
Street Address:     2 Barnes Road, Adabraka, Accra
Postal Address:     P.O. Box GP 3343, Accra
Telephone:           +233 302 221633 / 500263
Fax:                     +233 302 222401
Email Address:      gmmb-acc@africaonline.com.gh/gmmb.acc@gmail.com
Website:               www.ghanamuseums.org

                                               LABADI BEACH  
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Labadi Beach also known as La Pleasure beach is the busiest beach on Ghana's coast. It is managed by local hotels therefore, visitors lodging in the hotel do not pay gate fee. During weekends, a lot of people come to party making the place crowded and this takes the party to another level.

                                        CAPE COAST CASTLE
Cape Coast Castle is a fortified building for trade. It was occupied by the Dutch in the year 1637 until 1652 when it was captured by the Swedes,who named it Fort Carolusburg. It was later captured by the British in the year 1664 and was re-named Cape Coast Castle. It was the used as a dungeon to keep slaves that were going to be sold.
                                             KWAME NKRUMAH MAUSOLEUM 
Image result for Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

This is a memorial park dedicated to the first president of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah who helped to Ghana gain her independence in the year 1957. The park is located downtown Ghana. There, the body of Late Nkrumah and his wife are found. Although the Nkrumah died and was buried in Guinea, but it was later brought to Ghana on a request made by a group of students who wrote a demo to the government of Guinea and it is said that the mausoleum is built on the same ground where Nkrumah led a match against colonialism.
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                                            OSU CASTLE
Image result for Osu Castle

Osu Castle was formerly called the Fort Christiansborg. It is located in Osu on the coast of Atlantic Ocean. The Osu Castle was built in the year 1659 and has been the seat of government since the early 19220's. It is the official residence of the President of Ghana and therefore, it is not open too public.

Image result for Osu Castle Image result for Osu Castle  Image result for Osu Castle

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