Tuesday, 21 February 2017


My definition of freedom is a situation, whereby one is not restricted from doing certain things if not all things. Freedom is a natural gift granted to us not just by the government or law but by God Himself. Although there are some commandments from God, but that doesn’t prevent us from doing what we want to do unless we have made up our mind to obey God and to be devoted Christians. 
God is not powerless, blind, stupid or even ignorant of the sins we commit, He just decides to be merciful and compassionate thereby ignoring the sinful act we humans do and this has made man to overlook God and pretend He doesn’t exist. If you think I’m lying, bet me that most of the people who starts reading this post will quit immediately they see ‘God’ or ‘sin’.

 Most people don’t believe the in existence of God because they don’t want to be restricted or compelled to follow some rules or principles rather they want to be submissive to their flesh not even the devil or Satan, because anybody who doesn’t believe in the existence of God, definitely doesn’t believe in the existence of Satan unless the person is confused or possessed."Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" (Matt. 26:41)

 As days pass on, new things rise up both good and bad and then people call it ‘freedom’ because nobody is there to punish them. Even when other people see it, they fail to correct the victim so that he or she won’t be termed ‘lame’ or ‘hater’ even ‘escapist’.

 When most people are told their offenses, they get flared up with anger. They say ‘when will you stop sticking your nose in other people’s business ‘. The fact is that the person truly loves and wants you to tell yourself the truth it’s not that the person is judgmental or is a saint, rather, the person wants to help you save yourself because only you and you alone  can save your soul. The Blood of Jesus Christ has given you the opportunity to do so. “The Son sets you free and you are free indeed” (John 8:36). “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand firm and therefore don’t be chained to the yoke of slavery”(Gal. 5:1). This is exactly what I’m saying. We take advantage of this freedom thereby fall into the slavery of sin.
 We human beings easily accept evil and don’t criticize it rather we criticize those who criticize evil.  No matter how good one pretends to be, if one fails to be honest to oneself, then the person isn’t good at all because he or she won’t be able to criticize the wrong he or she does.
 We copy the evil people do a lot but we fail to copy the positive behaviors. The question is, why didn’t you or why didn’t we do those things before? Or is it because we saw that others did it? Anyone who reads this post should please try and reflect on (Gen. 19). But also remember that our God is merciful and compassionate, there is always a light at the end of every tunnel. There is still hope!!! Read also Luke 15:11-32. 
 #freedom #christian #free

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


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