Monday, 27 February 2017

     On this week's Fashion Talk, we areshall discuss men shoes. Shoes help toaccentuate other apparel,it indirectlymakes one look classy and stylish but this actually depends on the type of shoe one wears.
    Today, men dress shoes will be our topic. Dress shoes, are those shoes thatare worn mostly to formal to places like offices, funeral, official dinners etc. There are various types of dress shoes and some of them are listed below:
2.Dress boot
3.Chelsea boot
4.Chuka boot
Image result for LOAFERSImage result for LOAFERSImage result for LOAFERS
This shoe is a casual shoe that is easy towear if it is your size. It can be worn with a plain trouser or even a denim jean trouser. Denim trousers make one look casual but classy but just make sure it is the right one. When one wears a denim trouser with a loafer, it shows a decent, classy person. 

1. A black turtle necked shirt
2. A fitted white jacket
3. A denim black pencil trouser
4. A suede dark blue loafer   
5. A dark blue pork pie hat (same shade of blue with the loafer)
6. Jewelries and other light accessories

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