Monday, 13 February 2017

   University of Nigeria Nsukka.     
University of Nigeria is a cadre that produces excellent students. This university is the first university in Nigeria which has and is still producing individuals we call brains in our society. 
   We are not here to talk about their academic excellence rather, we are concerned about their male fashion sense. From what we've seen, it seems that there is a general study course called 'Good Fashion Sense' taught in this University which some male students are exceptionally excelling well in. Below is the first student that has been spotted by Modost


     Mr. Kennedy is a pharmacy student in his 400 level. I know this guy personally and from what I know, he doesn't joke with his wardrobe. He is someone we can call a fashion freak and we have noticed that he is seriously in love with Balmain because he is always rocking them.
      Mr. Kennedy inspires guys a lot in the fashion perspective, he dresses formal when necessary and also dresses in the street style when he gets provoked but we have also noticed that he is not the traditional wear kind of guy although he is the first person to conciously and confidently combine different wears of different Arabian cultures and then rock it with a pair of Adidas shoe.
The things that fascinate us most about Mr. Kennedy are his shoes which kill us on a daily basis, his tops are also on fire, not the jewellery freak but his watches  got us thinking he is a Hublot ambassador.

      In summary, Mr. Kennedy is a born fashionista so therefore, use him as your compass in the fashion world. Follow him on Instagram @blaq_armani.


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