Monday, 20 February 2017


                              PERFECT MELANCHOLY PERSONALITY
                        The Introvert, The thinker, The pessimist


                                            Perfect Melancholy's Emotions
Deep and thoughtful
Serious and purposeful
Genius prone
Talented and creative 
Artistic or musical
Philosophical and poetic
Appreciative of beauty  
Sensitive to others
                            Perfect Melancholy as aParent
Sets high standards 
Wants everything done right  
Keeps home in good order
Picks up after children
Sacrifices own will for others
Encourages scholarship and talent    
                             Perfect Melancholy at Work
Schedule oriented 
Perfectionist, high standards
Detail conscious   
Persistent and thorough
Orderly and organized
Neat and tidy
Sees the problems
Finds creative solutions
Needs to finish what is started
Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists
                            Perfect Melancholy as a Friend
Makes friends cautious
Content to stay background
Avoids causing attention
Faithfully and devoted 
Will listen to complaints 
Can solve others' problems
Deep concern for other people
Moved to tears with compassion
Seeks ideal mate                              
                                                                             - Florence Littauer

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